
This photo, taken at Maasai Mara in Kenya, reminds me of a huge truth about God:

God is so big!
Even if you run from Him,
you’re still running to Him.

Credit for this quote goes to my brilliant bro, Pastor Andrew, with inspiration from Psalm 139:7–10.

Copyright © 2012 Uwana.


11 thoughts on “Peek-a-boo!

    • Thanks.

      To me, the photo portrays freedom and playfulness. The Mara is a very spiritual and liberating place. The majesty and vastness of the natural environment makes you really connect with God.


    • I’m grateful that this message resonated with you.

      The Bible encourages us to “work out our salvation.” Our walk is an ongoing journey and it’s great that through simple conversations like these, we can build each other up.



      • Hey Jessica, just wanted to add that your words were affirmation for me too. Just this morning I was struggling with whether I’m making a difference through my blog, and your comment was confirmation. So thank you.


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