Bonds That Last A Lifetime


In the fogginess and joy of breastfeeding a newborn, I had the sudden realization: I’m providing everything my baby needs to thrive.

Barely 5 weeks old, my son looks to me for love, comfort, nourishment, affection, and protection … basic needs that don’t cost much.

I am grateful for the gift of breastfeeding; when all else fails, it’s the one thing that soothes my baby.

Though feeding on demand can be exhausting, it’s so rewarding to witness my breast milk growing my child, 1 gram at a time.

Skin-to-skin, we cuddle and chat, even as the world dreamss away. Gazing into each other’s eyes, we share smiles and laughter, building memories to be cherished forever.

What special moments do you cherish with your little one?

The bonds that last a lifetime don’t bind overnight—they form slowly over time (Jenn Sinrich)

9 thoughts on “Bonds That Last A Lifetime

  1. Breastfeeding is the most natural beautiful gift a mother can give her baby. Not only does it nourish your infant it creates a bond that will last a life time. I was unfortunate in that my supply didn’t make it past 4 months with either of my babies no matter how frequent I fed. Keep up the good work mama and remember to look after yourself too X


  2. Bupe, you’ve evoked cozy memories of my breastfeeding days. I appreciated not needing to figure out the formula and bottle-feeding thing. While my children were little we lived in a place that frequently had power outages. With nursing you don’t need to worry about warming up a bottle, and the middle of the night feedings are so easy with nursing too. Congratulations on the birth of your son. Rest when you can, because the housework can wait. Babies grow up so fast (my youngest is almost 15 yrs old).

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


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