Proverbs 5: The Love Killer

Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS /

Image courtesy of AKARAKINGDOMS /

Who knew that Proverbs 5 possessed such profound advice on love, relationships, and marriage? Granted, some of the content is pretty PG-13, the wisdom is priceless!

Intoxicating love; enduring intimacy; fierce, captivating love; faithfulness; eternal commitment; promiscuity; sex; cheap thrills…just a few themes in this super loaded chapter.

As a married, working mom of a toddler, it’s very easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, that sometimes my marriage takes a back burner to the long to-do list. After a long arduous day, the LAST thing on my mind is what Solomon wrote in Proverbs 5:19:

She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love.

I’m challenged by this message, which urges us to never take love for granted.” Regardless of how tired I am, it’s important that I remain spiritually, emotionally, and physically connected to my hubby.

In Proverbs 5, a faithful, love-filled marriage is contrasted with the dangers of adultery. Two people uniting and giving ALL of themselves to each other requires commitment and discipline. Adultery can never truly satisfy because it’s living outside of how God created us to live. There is no such thing as a cheap thrill. Infidelity will cost you deeply.

To all those in love or seeking love, I dedicate Proverbs 5 to you:

15Drink water from your own well—
share your love only with your wife.
16 Why spill the water of your springs in the streets,
having sex with just anyone?
17 You should reserve it for yourselves.
Never share it with strangers.
18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you.
Rejoice in the wife of your youth.
19 She is a loving deer, a graceful doe.
Let her breasts satisfy you always.
May you always be captivated by her love.

One thought on “Proverbs 5: The Love Killer

  1. **@it’s very easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, that sometimes my marriage takes a back burner to the long to-do list. After a long arduous day, the LAST thing on my mind is what Solomon wrote in Proverbs 5:19:..

    >One of the things I so enjoy when visiting you here/reading you is the honesty in your message/words..As a person who feels vibes(from touch especially) I can sense the sincerity..So I keep coming back for more N more..So anyways this is MORE than a mouthful you’ve said . How many women honestly STOP a minute to admit this? BUT so important it is to admit and fix IT. Quickly….I’ve a child of original parents(a rare thing these days! ) and they’ve now been married for 50 years plus N still going strong. Oh, how I love to say that. As IF it is an achievement of my own, right? Well it has been such a beautiful thing to watch/learn from/experience..I am for sure very proud that I’m the offspring of pure LOVE..And the lessons they’ve taught me N are still teaching me about relationships?(and everything else..) Simply priceless..

    A few things I’ve learned and will definitely carry on into my future/last marriage. NEVER go to bed angry with your spouse/significant other. Ever. Not much explanation needed to explain this. Just don’t…
    My Daddy told me something one time, a few years back, and it stuck in my mind so clearly. Profound. He said and I quote” There isn’t a time when I see your Mom that I don’t either reach to touch her or in surroundings that I can’t..that I don’t want to touch connect.” I found that SO deeeeep and revealing to me..and I put it in my mental list of things to remember when I’m in love again.
    Also, spouses should NEVER let your spouse(or significant other) think they are NOT priority in your list of alllll the things you do on a daily basis. Ever..I don’t care if you’ve got a thousand things to do. Your spouse should feeeeeel like they’re #1 on that list. Period.

    And in parting I’ve been where you are now..I was a Mom(of 3 sons), Wife, and I was holding down a full time career in addition to the other full times jobs of being a Mom and a Wife..That IS 3 full time jobs. Anyone who doesn’t look at it as full time jobs..will have a hard time in my opinion. And yep!, its more than a handful. In my case I put motherhood first. As you see how I listed it above…Advice my Daddy gave me is that spouse is #1. Which was SO hard for me…not to say I neglected my husband. BUT it was clear to him that our sons were #1 in my book. And he was correct..I didn’t know how to do it any other way, then. We live and learn..and hopefully someone reading my words can learn from the personal things I’ve just shared. Stay UPlifted my Sis and all that are reading also. Be blessed…Have a wonderful Sunday! Preparing for church so I’ll read /write ya’ll later…


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